10 Health Benefits of a Massage

A massage is often seen as a luxurious indulgence for spa days and pampering, but it’s more than just an enjoyable treat. Studies have shown that massages offer a wide range of health benefits.

For example, a massage can boost your immune system and improve your blood circulation. It can also help to ease muscle tension and depression.

1. Relieves Stress

Massage reduces stress by lowering cortisol and triggering the release of feel good hormones endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. It also increases blood flow which helps to transport oxygen and nutrients to tissues, promoting healing.

The mind-body connection is strengthened by massage therapy, which can decrease anxiety by calming the body’s fight or flight response. It also boosts the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation and rest.

2. Relieves Pain

Massage has been shown to increase the production of ‘feel good’ hormones such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. These hormones reduce stress, anxiety and depression and encourage relaxation, happiness and motivation.

When a muscle is tight the fibres are knotted which restricts movement and increases pain. During treatment the muscles fibers are stretched which increases flexibility and decreases pain. A massage also stimulates the lymphatic system which removes waste products from the muscles.

3. Improves Sleep

Research has shown that massage decreases cortisol levels and increases serotonin, helping the body to sleep better. Massage also stimulates the area of the brain that produces melatonin, which signals to the body it’s time for bed.

A sleep massage is best booked closer to bedtime as it uses long, calming strokes to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Regular massages will strengthen your body’s ability to relax at other times too.

4. Increases Flexibility

Tight muscles and high tension often restrict flexibility. Regular massage helps to break down the knots, increase muscle elasticity and reduce swelling.

Post-workout soreness can be a major deterrent to getting back into your exercise routine. But massage can help alleviate soreness and get you back to the gym sooner. This is thanks to the increased blood flow it promotes. It also reduces inflammation and swelling.

5. Strengthens the Immune System

The immune system depends on the proper circulation of blood and lymph fluid. Massage increases lymph fluid circulation, allowing your body to eliminate toxins.

A study by the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center found that massage decreases the production of cytokines, which are chemical messengers involved in inflammation. It also boosts the activity of infection-fighting white blood cells.

A good massage can also raise oxytocin, known as the “love hormone”, which keeps us feeling stable and socially connected. This helps us stay strong and healthy.

6. Reduces Blood Pressure

Research suggests that massage therapy can lower blood pressure, especially when done in a soothing environment with dim lighting and calming music. The physical touch of massage stimulates the vagus nerve, which helps reduce heart rate and blood pressure.

“The pressure on your body from the kneading of the skin causes a slowing of the nervous system,” says Field. This triggers the parasympathetic response, which relaxes blood vessels and decreases stress hormones.

7. Improves Blood Circulation

Studies have shown that massage improves your blood circulation. This is due to the relaxation response, which causes your nervous system to slow down and the levels of serotonin to increase.

Massage also improves the circulation of lymph fluid around your muscles, which helps remove metabolic waste and toxins. As a result, your muscles get the fresh oxygen and nutrients they need to function properly.

8. Reduces Muscle Tension

The physical touch of massage stimulates your body’s parasympathetic nervous system, causing your heart rate and blood pressure to decrease. This lowers stress hormone production and encourages healing.

Knots and tightness within your muscles can be reduced through a massage. This relieves pressure points and increases your flexibility and mood. A 2018 study found that breast cancer survivors who got regular massages had less fatigue, a debilitating side effect of treatment.

9. Increases Endorphins

Research has shown that massage lowers the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, and increases "feel good" neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. This helps explain why people feel so relaxed and happy after a massage.

Dopamine influences fine motor skills, intuition, inspiration and joy. It also elevates the immune system by lowering cortisol levels and increasing lymphocytes. It also enhances a client's ability to focus.

10. Relieves Anxiety

Research has shown that massage reduces the stress hormone cortisol, increases the feel-good transmitters serotonin and dopamine, and decreases overall anxiety levels. It also promotes restful sleep which is essential for mental wellness.

A massage stimulates the autonomic nervous system to encourage the production of these positive hormones. The endorphins relieve anxiety, the serotonin prevents depression and dopamine boosts motivation and wards off feelings of loneliness.

Massage in Pensacola

Massage Pensacola

Pensacola Massage

A massage is often seen as a luxurious indulgence for spa days and pampering, but it’s more than just an enjoyable treat. Studies have shown that massages offer a wide range of health benefits. For example, a massage can boost your immune system and improve your blood circulation. It can also help to ease muscle…